Academic Writing

The following list includes publications from R&D members.
A full list with academic publications on degrowth from various scholars can be found here


Sekulova, F. Anguelovski, I., Kiss, B., Kotsila, P. Baró, F., Voytenko Palgan, Y., Connolly, J. 2021. The governance of nature-based solutions in the city at the intersection of justice and equity, Cities, Vol. 112/103136

Tsagkari, M; Roca. J. and Kallis, G. 2021.  From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain. Energy Research & Social Science 81

Mehleb, R.I., Kallis, G. and Zografos, C., 2021. A discourse analysis of yellow-vest resistance against carbon taxesEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions40, pp.382-394.


Aillon J.L.; D’Alisa G. 2020. “Our affluence is killing us: What degrowth offers health and wellbeing.”. In Health in the Anthropocene: Living Well on a Finite Planet., edited by K. Zywert; S. Quilley. University of Toronto Press.

D’Alisa, G.; Kallis, G. 2020. “Degrowth and the State”. Ecological Economics 169. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106486

Foramitti, J.; Varvarousis, A.; Kallis, G.  2020, ‘Transition within a transition: how cooperative platforms want to change the sharing economy”, Sustainability Science, (2020) 

Hanaček, K., Roy, B., Avila, S. and Kallis, G., 2020. “Ecological economics and degrowth: Proposing a future research agenda from the margins”, Ecological Economics169, p.106495.

Otero, I., Farrell, K.N., Pueyo, S., Kallis, G., Kehoe, L., Haberl, H., Plutzar, C., Hobson, P., García-Márquez, J., Rodríguez-Labajos, B., Martin, J.L., Erb, K.-H., Schindler, S., Nielsen, J., Skorin, T.,Settele, J., Essl, F., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Brotons, L., Rabitsch, W., Schneider, F., Pe’er, G. 2020. Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth. Conservation Letters.

Pueyo, S. 2020. Jevons’ paradox and a tax on aviation to prevent the next pandemic. SocArXiv, 12 May 2020. (Preprint)

Varvarousis, A. 2020. The rhizomatic expansion of Commoning through social movements. Ecological Economics: Special Issue: Commons and social movements-a vicious cycle?

Varvarousis, A., Asara, V., Akbulut, B., 2020. Commons: a Social Outcomes of the movement of the squares. Social Movement Studies: Special Issue name: Movements and Activism beyond Post-Politics

Zografos, C. and Robbins, P., 2020. Green sacrifice zones, or why a green new deal cannot ignore the cost shifts of just transitions. One Earth3(5), pp.543-546.


Akbulut B., Demaria F., Gerber J-F., Martínez-Alier J., 2019 “Who promotes sustainability? Five theses on the relationships between the degrowth and the environmental justice movements”. Ecological Economics vol. 165

D’Alisa, G. and Kallis, G., 2019. “Degrowth and the State”, Ecological Economics, 169: 106486.

D’Alisa G. 2019. “The State of Degrowth”. In Towards a political economy of degrowth., edited by Chertkovskaya, E.; Paulsson, A.; Barca, S. Rowman & Littlefield

D’Alisa G. 2019. “Degrowth”. In Dicionário Alice, edited by de Sousa Santos, B.; Meneses M. P.; Bicas M.; de Noronha S.; Ramírez R. Available at:

Demaria, F., Kallis, G. and Bakker, K., 2019. “Geographies of degrowth: Nowtopias, resurgences and the decolonization of imaginaries and places”, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2(3): 431-450v.

Hickel, J. and Kallis, G. 2019. “Is Green growth possible? “New Political Economy, April 2019: 1-18.

Kallis, G. 2019. “Capitalism, socialism, degrowth. A rejoinder”, Capitalism Nature Socialism.
30: 267-273

Kallis G. 2019 “Socialism Without Growth”, Capitalism Nature Socialism, p. 1-18

Pansera, M., Ehlers, M. H. and Kerschner, C. 2019. “Unlocking wise digital techno-futures: Contributions from the Degrowth community.” Futures, 114, 102474.

Parrique T., Barth J., Briens F., Kerschner, C., Kraus-Polk A., Kuokkanen A., Spangenberg J.H. 2019. Decoupling debunked: Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability. European Environmental Bureau.

Pueyo, S. 2019. Limits to green growth and the dynamics of innovation. arXiv:1904.09586 [econ.TH]. (Preprint).

Vandeventer, J.S., Cattaneo, C. and Zografos, C. 2019. “A degrowth transition: pathways for the degrowth niche to replace the capitalist-growth regime”, Ecological Economics, 156, pp.272-2.  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.10.002

Varvarousis, A. 2019. Crisis, Liminality and the Decolonization of the Social Imaginary. Environment and Planning E. Special Issue: Geographies of Degrowth

Weber, G.; Cabras, I.; Calaf-Forn, M.; Puig-Ventosa, I.; D’Alisa, G. 2019. “Promoting Waste Degrowth and Environmental Justice at a Local Level: The Case of Unit-Pricing Schemes in Spain”. Ecological Economics 156: 306-317. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.09.024

Zografos, C. 2019. Direct Democracy. In: Kothari, A., Salleh, A., Escobar, A., Demaria, F. (eds.). Pluriverse: A Post-development Dictionary. Routledge.

Zografos, C. 2019. “Expropriate Zuckerberg!”. Yes, but how? Comment on Dörre, K. ‘Democracy, not Capitalism – or: Expropriate Zuckerberg!’ In: Ketterer, H., Becker, K. (eds.) Was stimmt nicht mit der Demokratie? Eine Debatte mit Klaus Dörre, Nancy Fraser, Stephan Lessenich und Hartmut Rosa [What’s Wrong With Democracy? A conversation between Nancy Fraser, Klaus Dörre, Stephan Lessenich and Hartmut Rosa]. Suhrkamp.


D’Alisa, G. 2018. Decrecimiento y Biocivilización por la sustenatabilidad de la vida. In Campos S. !Biocivilización en Marcha! Icaria Editorial. In Spanish.

Kallis G., Kostakis V., Lange S., Muraca B., Paulson S., Schmelzer M. “Research on Degrowth”. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2018, vol. 43

Kerschner,C., Wächter, P.,  Nierling, L., Ehlers, MH. 2018 “Degrowth and Technology: Towards feasible, viable, appropriate and convivial imaginaries” Journal of cleaner production 197, 1619-1636

Pueyo, M. 2018 “Growth, degrowth, and the challenge of artificial superintelligence” Journal of Cleaner Production 197, 1731-1736.


Calvário, R. and Kallis, G., 2017. “Alternative Food Economies and Transformative Politics in Times of Crisis: Insights from the Basque Country and Greece.” Antipode. 49 (3): 597 – 616. 

Conde, M. 2016. Resistance to mining. A Review. Ecological Economics, 132: 80-90.

Andreucci, D. and Kallis, G., 2017. “Governmentality, Development and the Violence of Natural Resource Extraction in Peru”, Ecological Economics, 134: 95-103.

Kallis, G. and Sager, J., 2017. Oil and the economy: A systematic review of the literature for ecological economists. Ecological Economics, 131: 561-571.

Sekulova, F. Anguelovski, I., Argüelles, L., Conill,J. 2017. A ‘fertile soil’ for community initiatives: a new analytical framework. Environment and Planning A. Vol. 49(10), pp: 2362–2382

Sekulova, F. Kallis, G, Schneider, F. 2017. Climate change, happiness and income from a degrowth perspective, in Victor, P. and Dolter, B. Handbook on Growth and Sustainability, Edward Elgar Publishing


Varvarousis, A., Petridis, P., 2016. “Local initiatives and their chances to drive socio-ecological change. Social cooperatives on the Greek island of Samothraki.” Sustainable Mediterranean, Special Issue: No 73


Asara V., Otero I., Demaria F., Corbera E. 2015 “Socially sustainable degrowth as a social–ecological transformation: repoliticizing sustainability”. Sustainability Science. 2015, vol. 10, num. 3, p. 375-384

D’Alisa G., Kallis G., Demaria F. (2015) From austerity to dépense In D’Alisa G. Demaria F., Kallis G. (Eds.) Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era. Routledge

D’Alisa G., Deriu M. Demaria F. (2015) Care. In D’Alisa G. Demaria F., Kallis G. (Eds.) Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era. Routledge-Earthscan

D’Alisa G., Kallis G. (2015) Post-Normal Science. In D’Alisa G. Demaria F., Kallis G. (Eds.) Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era. Routledge-Earthscan

Kallis G., Demaria F. D’Alisa G. (2015) Introduction: Degrowth  In D’Alisa G. Demaria F., Kallis G. (Eds.)Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era. Routledge.

Kallis, G., March, H. 2015  “Imaginaries of Hope: The Utopianism of Degrowth”. Annals of the Association of American Geographers., vol. 105, num. 2, p. 360-369

Kallis, G.; Demaria F.; D’Alisa G. 2015. “Degrowth”. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, edited by Wright J. D., 30. Oxford: Elsevier.

Kallis, G.; Demaria F.; D’Alisa G. 2015. “Degrowth”. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, edited by Wright J. D., 30. Oxford: Elsevier.

Kerschner, C. and D. O’Neil, (2015). “Economic Growth and Sustainability”. In Kopnina, H.N. and E. Quimet (Eds). “Sustainability: Key Issues”. Routledge.

Kerschner, C. and O’Neil, D. 2015. Economic Growth and Sustainability”. In Kopnina, H.N. and E. Quimet (Eds). “Sustainability: Key Issues”. Routledge.

Zografos, C. 2015. Démocratie directe [Direct Democracy]. In: D’Alisa, G. Demaria, F., Kallis, G. Décroissance. Vocabulaire pour une nouvelle ère [Degrowth. Vocabulary for a new era]. Neuvy-en-Champagne: Éditions le passager clandestine, pp: 187-194.


Kerschner, C. 2014. Enough is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources, R. Dietz, D. O’Neill. Berrett-Koehler/Routledge, San Francisco/London (2013). Environ. Innov. Soc. Transit.

Pueyo, S. 2014. “Ecological Econophysics for Degrowth”. Sustainability 2014, 6(6), 3431-3483;

Videira, N., Schneider, F., Sekulova F., Kallis, G. 2014 “Improving understanding on degrowth pathways: An exploratory study using collaborative causal models”, Futures. vol. 55, p. 58-77


Asara, V., Profumi, E. and Kallis, G. 2013, “Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy”, Environmental Values, 22: 217-239.

Cattaneo, C., D’Alisa, G., Kallis, G., Zografos, C. 2012. “Degrowth futures and democracy”. (editorial on Special Issue on ‘Degrowth and Democracy’), Futures 44:6, pp. 515–523.

D’Alisa, G.; Demaria, F.; Cattaneo, C. 2013. “Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society”, Journal of Civil Society 9 (2): 212-224.

D’Alisa, G.; Cattaneo, C.. 2013. “Household work and energy consumption: A degrowth perspective. Catalonia’s case study”, Journal of Cleaner Production 38: 71-79

Demaria, F. , Schneider, F., Sekulova, F., Martinez-Alier, J. 2013  “What is degrowth? from an activist slogan to a social movement”, Environmental Values.  vol. 22, num. 2  DOI: 10.2307/2346097

Kallis G., Kalush M., O’Flynn H., Rossiter J., Ashford N.  2013 “Friday off”: Reducing working hours in Europe”, Sustainability. 2013, vol. 5, num. 4, p. 1545-1567

Sekulova F., Kallis G., Rodríguez-Labajos B., Schneider F. 2013. “Degrowth: From theory to practice”. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 38, p. 1-6


Cattaneo, C., D’Alisa, G., Kallis, G., Zografos, C. 2012. Degrowth futures and democracy (editorial on Special Issue on ‘Degrowth and Democracy’. Futures 44:6, pp. 515–523.

Conde M., Kallis G. 2012 “The global uranium rush and its Africa frontier. Effects, reactions and social movements in Namibia”. Global Environmental Change. 2012, vol. 22, num. 3, p. 596–610

Kallis, G., Kerschner, C. and J. Martinez-Alier. 2012. “The economics of degrowth.” Ecological Economics 84(0): 172-180.


Kallis, G. 2011. “In defence of degrowth. ” Ecological Economics, 70 (2011), pp. 873-880


Kerschner, C. 2010. “Economic de-growth vs. steady-state economy.” Journal of Cleaner Production 18(6): 544-551. download pdf 

Kerschner, C. 2010. “Mehr als die Summe der einzelnen Teile.” Politische Ökologie 121/122: 33-36.