Clothing Library: Borrow Not Buy – A Bridge to Behavior Change


By Stella McShera As the first of its kind initiative, the Clothing Library intends to weave together community, shared values and conscious consumerism…one borrowed garment at a time. The Clothing Library developed a 6 week pilot in December 2023 that applied degrowth principles and employed behavior change strategies to combat overconsumption fueled by the fashion […]

Communication for Social Change and Cultural Efficiency

By Javier Toca Lahuerta. This article is an extract from the master’s thesis “El Decrecimiento desde la Comunicación para el Cambio Social: en Busca de un Enfoque Comunicativo Alternativo” [Degrowth from the perspective of Communication for Social Change: In Search of an Alternative Communicative Approach] carried out within the master’s degree in International Peace, Conflict […]

National liberation in Palestine is an indispensable step towards degrowth

We write these words from the student encampment for the liberation of Palestine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. On Thursday, May 30th, the legislative body of the administration approved an academic boycott of Israel. This milestone is just the next step in a broader campaign to sanction Israel for the never-ending Nakba it inflicts […]

Critical Youth Participatory Spatial Planning: What does it have to do with Degrowth?

By Amerissa Giannouli I remember during the classes of Fundamentals for Degrowth, we were asked to think about research topics and questions we would like to explore. Democratic planning has always been a particularly intriguing subject, although I hesitated to work on it, as I perceived it to be more suited for political scientists. However, […]

Libertarian Degrowth: Anarcho-Syndicalist Paths for a Just Degrowth Transition

Degrowth is composed of various political and economic configurations, which illustrate a plurality of degrowth imaginaries. This plurality of degrowth imaginaries entails diverse strategies and tools. One of such tools are trade unions, with which the degrowth literature has already engaged (Barca & Leonardi, 2018). However, there’s a notable gap in the literature regarding a […]

‘Gaga’ – a Taiwanese indigenous post-development concept

by Federico Arcuri The Post-development Dictionary showcases a plurality of alternatives to the western capitalist imaginary of a linear ‘development’. This alliance is constructed by connecting radical notions from the Global South – such as Sumak Kawsay, Buen Vivir, Swaraj and Ubuntu – with eco-feminism, eco-socialism and degrowth in the Global North. One building block […]

Degrowth poems: Moving

  Moving When I am moving, Some people think I’m still, I’m not, I’m moving. Just very slowly and gently.   Look closely, You will see my trace Behind me and tomorrow, I’ll be somewhere else. But only some will notice that I’m moving slowly moving and going somewhere.   by Laura Castells   The […]

Degrowth Desires

By Francesca Jobson, Laura van Damme, Adam Cogan & Josep Maria Salleras i Mercader. This text is the introduction to the magazine Degrowth Desires, which you can download and read here. Degrowth. What exactly does it offer? While it speaks of a world that centres social welfare, community cohesion, environmental justice and, ultimately, the disregard […]