Impressions from the Degrowth Summer School and Conference

After three weeks of Degrowth events – a week-long summer school on Degrowth, neocolonial extractivism and the so called green transition, a one week bike caravan through rural Galicia visiting movements fighting the above, and the 10th International Degrowth Conference in Pontevedra – we want to share some impressions with you. For the organizers and participants it has been an unforgettable experience full of interesting discussions, community living and connections with activist, researchers and practitioners.

Research & Degrowth Summer School in Barcelona

Day 1: Welcome day at Agora Juan Andrés
Day 2: Workshop day at ICTA-UAB
Day 3: Workshop day at ICTA-UAB







Day 4: Discussing (neo)colonialism at InnoBA Barcelona Activa
Day 5: World Café and counter-mapping at InnoBA
Day 6: Final session at Bloc4








Bike Caravan through Galicia

Day 0: Bike Caravan preparation in Ourense
Day 1: Visiting Allariz

Read local press on our visit in Allariz here.

Day 2: On the road









Day 3: No a la mina!
Day 4: On the road
Day 5: Visiting the eucalyptus plantations








Day 6: Rainy arrival in Pontevedra


10th International Degrowth Conference in Pontevedra

Day 1: Welcome to Pontevedra

Read local press on the conference in Pontevedra here.

Day 2: A session on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Degrowth with R&D participation
Day 3: Global Degrowth Day Protest and Celebration









Day 4: Plenary session on Climate Change and Degrowth