
Aaron Vansintjan
Angelos Varvarousis
Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos
Brototi Roy
Christian Kerschner
Christos Zografos
Claudio Cattaneo
Federico Demaria
Filka Sekulova
François Schneider
Fulvia Ferri
Giacomo D’Alisa
Giorgos Kallis
Ksenija Hanaček
Maiko Mathiesen
Manuel Grebenjak
Marta Conde
Marula Tsagkari
Pierre Smith Khanna
Riccardo Mastini
Sam Bliss
Sara Fromm
Sofía Avila
Valentina Lomanto Perdomo
Simona Getova
Viviana Asara
Lorenzo Velotti
Lucía Muñoz Sueiro

Office Team

Simona Getova
Director of Operations and Cohesion
Simona Getova is an eco-feminist climate & social justice organiser, facilitator, and educator from North Macedonia. Simona’s work and research interests lie in the intersections of decolonial feminist political ecology and community-led models of social and environmental justice. As Director of Operations & Cohesion Simona is responsible for organizing the internal operations of R&D, facilitating group cohesion and supporting the relationship between different teams within R&D.
Lorenzo Lonardi
Program Manager of Financing & Media
Lorenzo Lonardi grew up in Italy but studied and worked in the Netherlands, Kenya and Spain. During his studies, he engaged in different types of activism around Europe. Lorenzo has a MA in Political Ecology & Degrowth from UAB. As R&D's Program Manager of Financing & Media Lorenzo is responsible for financial issues, collaborates in the elaboration of project proposals and takes care of media dissemination.
Viktor Humpert
Director of Strategy & Local Relations
Viktor Humpert is a researcher and activist across Germany, the Netherlands, and Catalonia. He has a MA in Political Ecology & Degrowth from UAB. Viktor's role at R&D as Director of Strategy & Local Relations is to further professionalise the organisation and to strengthen its network and roots in the local context of Barcelona and beyond.
Mariona Bonsfills
Project Coordinator
Mariona Bonsfills is trained in Global Studies and Development Studies at the University of Oxford and at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She has research, work and activist experience in labour organisation in times of climate change, energy, liberation movements and the nexus between ecocide and politicide. She is the project coordinator of MERGE and the Barcelona Action Circles.
José Manuel Alonso
Analytical Accountant
José Manuel Alonso is an economist specialized in the administration of not for profit organizations. He studied ecological economics at ICTA - UAB in 2007, and from 2009 on, he has been responsible of finance and administration in several associations and cooperatives, in the fields of grassroots culture and arts and - for the last ten years - organizations of the Catalan solidarity economy ecosystem.
Maiko Mathiesen
Director of International Relations
Maiko Mathiesen has lived and worked on three continents, ranging from non-profits to multinational corporations and startups, gaining a diverse perspective on how to tackle the ongoing socio-environmental crisis. He has a MA in Political Ecology & Degrowth from UAB. Maiko's role in R&D as the Director of International Relations is to flourish the capabilities and the scope of R&D by establishing new global ties and cooperation opportunities with like-minded organizations and individuals.
Brenda Nistor
Program Manager of Academia & Policy
Brenda Nistor has studied and worked on the topics of degrowth and gender, with a focus on health inequalities, gendered dimensions of structural adjustment programs, alternatives to GDP and well-being indicators.