Pierre Smith Khanna

Short Bio:

Pierre Smith Khanna is a historian and political ecologist with a Masters in Political Ecology, Degrowth and Environmental Justice. Formerly a humanities teacher in an alternative international boarding school, Pierre has a deep interest in education and encountering novel ways in which students and teachers can learn together in an environment free of fear and competition. He has co-developed and taught the curriculum for humanities and ecology to young adults ( Brockwood Park School ), co-organised and facilitated the degrowth Summer School (2019) and co-coordinated the Political Ecology, Degrowth and Environmental Justice Masters program (2019-2022).


Pierre has directed a feature-length documentary “ Fairytales of Growth which explores degrowth and climate change activism and can be watched online  for free. He is currently a PhD student at Coventry University, researching Sustainable Masculinities and Environmental Education.