Call for papers: “Degrowth and urbanization: How can we build a radical urban degrowth agenda for future cities?”

Special issue editors: Dr. Angelos Varvarousis and Dr. Federico Demaria (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology – Autonomous University of Barcelona), Prof. Hug March (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Prof. Maria …

Call for papers: “Degrowth and urbanization: How can we build a radical urban degrowth agenda for future cities?” Read More

Call for Contributions – ICTA-UAB International Conference on Low-Carbon Lifestyle Changes (Barcelona, 6-8 May 2020)

The ICTA-UAB International Conference 2020 on Low-Carbon Lifestyle Changes will explore the role of changing lifestyles in climate change mitigation. We invite contributions that investigate the drivers and impacts of different lifestyles as well as how low-carbon lifestyles can be promoted through public policy. The …

Call for Contributions – ICTA-UAB International Conference on Low-Carbon Lifestyle Changes (Barcelona, 6-8 May 2020) Read More