‘Gaga’ – a Taiwanese indigenous post-development concept

by Federico Arcuri The Post-development Dictionary showcases a plurality of alternatives to the western capitalist imaginary of a linear ‘development’. This alliance is constructed by connecting radical notions from the Global South – such as Sumak Kawsay, Buen Vivir, Swaraj and Ubuntu – with eco-feminism, eco-socialism and degrowth in the Global North. One building block […]

Degrowth poems: Moving

  Moving When I am moving, Some people think I’m still, I’m not, I’m moving. Just very slowly and gently.   Look closely, You will see my trace Behind me and tomorrow, I’ll be somewhere else. But only some will notice that I’m moving slowly moving and going somewhere.   by Laura Castells   The […]

Degrowth Desires

By Francesca Jobson, Laura van Damme, Adam Cogan & Josep Maria Salleras i Mercader. This text is the introduction to the magazine Degrowth Desires, which you can download and read here. Degrowth. What exactly does it offer? While it speaks of a world that centres social welfare, community cohesion, environmental justice and, ultimately, the disregard […]

The Gift Highway

By Myfan Jordan. During Australia’s experience of the coronavirus pandemic, Melbourne/Naarm, was one of the ‘most locked down cities in the world.’ While the economic fallout had firstly impacted younger workers, Australia soon also saw the ‘shecession’ or ‘pink recession’ recognised in other countries. This gendered disadvantage emerging as a result of the crisis articulated […]

The Feasibility of Degrowth: Long-term Perspectives on Subjective Well-being

By Hikaru Komatsu & Jeremy Rappleye. Degrowth is gaining increasing attention as a potential solution to global environmental challenges, including climate change. This paradigm shift involves an intentional social, economic, and cultural transformation, redirecting the focus from relentless economic growth to securing the well-being of both humans and nature. Despite the promise of degrowth, concerns […]

An Appeal To Common Sense

by Denis Dettling Kalthofer.   What we are doing to the planet and each other We face human-induced climate change (severe storms, droughts, fires, ocean acidification, glacial melting, mass extinctions, the spread of disease and rising sea levels)¹, loss of forests² and wetlands³. The loss of mangroves is damaging coastlines. Soil is being eroded and […]

The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology

Have you heard of the Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology? We talked to Roldan Muradian and Sergio Villamayor Tomas, editors of the book “The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology”. They explain the school’s specific streams of thought, namely social metabolism, environmental justice conflicts and alternatives as well as science […]

In the Yacht, Toilet Manager. Here, Captain.

by Begum Kilimcioglu. I recently watched the movie Triangle of Sadness by Ruben Ostlund (see the trailer) and was quite amazed by it, by the performances of the actors and by how the movie was shot. But I was most amazed by how accurately it was reflecting human nature and by how relevant it was […]

The Degrowth Database

After joining the Organizing for Degrowth Network (ODN), a collective aiming to help unite the global degrowth movement into a coherent structure, I decided to see how many degrowth-related groups were out there to take stock of the movement. I quickly realised there were many more than I expected and decided to add them to […]